To properly implement a cash discount program, your cash discount signage must appear both on your door / window and at each point of sale. Also, the receipt from your device must reflect cash discount fee. Call (888) 288-3816 for more information about Our Cash Discount Program
Keep It Clean
Messy counter space is for amateurs, ensure your customers know you are a Pro with our sleek minimal footprint solutions.
Stay Connected
A spotty connection should not stop you from taking payments. Our POS solutions still work even when the Internet does not.
Easy Set Up
Out of the box, our POS solutions can be configured just the way you want it, and ready to take payments from customers.
Why do business with us
Us Versus Them
Our Company offers the most competitive program in the industry today Interchange Pass Through. Our program provides the lowest overall cost of service, by passing through the direct cost for Interchange Fees and Assessments.
Credit Card Processing
If you want to grow your business and maximize your sales, a credit card merchant account is a necessity, not an option for your business! And if you want the lowest rates with the best customer service, your only viable option is
Customer Testimonials
At we perform as consultants in order to educate our merchants, that is a key factor to customer support and, as such, having your business make an informed decision when selecting a merchant services company.