Gift Cards

A custom solution that enables merchants and other companies to affordably offer their customers a simple gift-giving solution. The eCE™ Gift Card program allows merchants to sell custom gift cards redeemable for merchandise or services at their location(s).

Benefits of a Gift Cards

In addition to our superior best-in-class merchant support, we offer the following card processing benefits to merchants all over the United States:

Custom Gift Cards

Increase customer awareness with gift cards that are fully customized with your business's own logo and design, or you can select a card design from our wide range of predesigned cards.

Increased Customer Spending

the cards can be reloadable, enabling cardholders to add money to the card any time after it has been issued.

Online Reporting

Online reports allow businesses to generate detail- or summary-level data in a report format. These reports can be generated via the merchant online application, and a .CSV file can also be generated and then imported into a spreadsheet or database application.

Reuse Gift Cards from an Existing Program

In most cases we can transfer your outstanding gift cards and balances over to our eCE™ Gift Card program. Simply supply us with a unused card as well as a balance report from your existing provider and we can tell you if those your cards are transferrable.

Eliminate Your Credit Card
Processing Fees