The Not So Free – Free Credit Card Machine

In today’s competitive marketplace, merchant account services are a must for any business. 80 percent of all retail customers pay with their credit and debit cards. If your business does not accept credit cards, your customers may go to someone who does; your competitor. The acceptance of major credit cards is a key factor in customer satisfaction and the success of your business.
When selecting a new merchant account provider just beware of any companies that may try to sway you by offering free credit card machines. It is nice to get something for free, but in reality, nothing really is free.


The best merchant account service providers recommend that you purchase your own credit card machine. If they do not, they’re most likely trying to force you to pay more than you should be paying. Most free credit card machine programs are designed to process many charges over the long term, so you end up paying higher monthly fees or a higher than normal rate just doesn’t make any sense. Owning your own credit card machine also enables you to depreciate the cost of your terminal, so talk to a qualified accountant about all the potential tax savings possible by owning your own equipment.


Also note that most merchant account services offering free credit card machine lock you in to a 36 month term with a high early termination fee. This means, even if the company is not performing as excepted for you or charge fees higher than quoted, you are stuck with them. Otherwise, you pay a large fee to end your agreement.


Good merchant account services disclose your costs upfront. There is no hiding behind terms of services. The actual pricing of the credit card machines should be known. With any service, is a good idea to carefully go through all of the fees listed on the agreement with an account manager before signing anything! This has been a common practice for many businesses in many fields. Just remember if it sounds too good to be true, then it probably is.