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Merchants should accept Electronic Checks

SARASOTA FL – Many merchants won’t accept checks. Most merchants should.

 So says Gino Kauzlarich, President & CEO of, a pioneering provider of electronic commerence and trasaction processing related services.  “The new Check 21 technology is here now where we can quickly scan a check at both the back office or point of sale on a low-cost scanner, screen it against a national “bad check writter” database, and if it clears – electronically deposit it into your merchant checking account as soon as the next day, without you ever having to take it to the bank.” Mr. Kauzlarich says. “It tremendously lowers the risk of taking a bad check, thereby enabling merchant’s to make more sales. In addition, we have an optional Guarantee Program that eliminates NSF checks altogether that costs roughly the same as taking a credit cards”

He notes that checks are still the preferred method of payment for many people, particularly older Baby Boomers.  “Probably 60% of the older Baby Boomers still primarily use checks instead of credit cards as their perferred method of payment,” he says, “compared with hardly any who are under 35 years of age.  “So if you don’t accept checks, you’re shutting out a huge part of the population and turning away business you may otherwise enjoy,” Mr. Kauzlarich says.

The executive says his company will explain the new check services for Back Office Conversion, Accounts Receiveable Conversion, Check 21 (including settlement services for Corporate checks and Money Orders) and at the Point-of-Sale for comsumer payments, Contractual Repetitive Billing, Pre Paid Deposits, Representment Checks, Over The Phone and Over The Web checks, Archiving Only and Verification Only programs available to every qualified merchant or other business upon request.

Merchant Services is committed to integrity and excellence in service while providing leading-edge transactional processing and business management solutions to merchants through a consultative team approach. It has the ability to support all its products and services nationwide. The company specializes in merchant profitability.  And “we keep our merchants out of the dark with zero hidden costs, zero hidden fees, zero hooks and zero rate increases,” says the company. “We have yet to increase our merchants’ rates since we started in 1995,” the company reports.